Category: Technical

  • Expectations


    Life is full of expectations. From the very beginning of our childhood, we are surrounded by experiences of expectation. From the excitement the night before Christmas over the first anxiety of exams in school to the first kiss – imagination, hope and expectations are driving us and determine our way to feel. We can feel…

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  • Universe of Things

    Universe of Things

    Canon recently announced that two new cameras with impressive resolution will arrive soon. The technical specifications sound very promising – more than 50MP, interesting new features, especially for the landscape photographer. This new gear is tempting – indeed. But, the more I think about it, the less I need these cameras. They do not improve…

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  • Analogue


    I like digital photography. A lot. My photography has improved significantly in terms of quality of the print, the way the pictures can be used, shared etc. However, it has not changed the way that I make pictures. I still try to get it right in camera, avoiding a lot of post production work. Though…

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  • Perspectives


    Whenever we make photographs, one of the most influential ways to improve the picture is to choose the right perspective. To choose the best point of view, the best distance, the right angle to allow the scenery to unfold it’s beauty. Perspective however has nothing to do with the tools you are using. Perspective is…

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  • Detail Work

    Detail Work

    It is not always the big landscape that makes interesting pictures. Sometimes nature surprises with a lot of beauty in the details of plants, stones or small objects you may find on a beach. I came across this tree during a hike on the deep ravine trail near Stinson beach, CA. The light was low,…

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