Author: Andreas

  • A Photographers Holiday in Wales

    A Photographers Holiday in Wales

    I was thrilled when my family and me planned to have our summer holiday in the Brecon Beacons and after that in Exmoor. We booked two cottages, situated quite remotely and as we say in German „In der Pampa“ which translates to „If you are in the Shire, living in Bag End, you still have…

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  • Great Photo Spots in Northern England

    My family visits the English Islands quite regularly – for my wife ist is actually „coming come“. We have been to Cornwall, Dorset, Wales (North), the Lake District, Scotland and Northumbria. It has always been an amazing experience with great landscapes and plenty of opportunities to follow the passion of photography. After the pandemic, we…

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  • Mind Shift Rotation 180

    Mind Shift Rotation 180

    I have been using the Mind Shift Rotation Backpack for two years now and I have to say that I am very impressed. This backpack allows me to have significantly better access to my camera without making compromises in terms of comfort and long distance hiking. Being out with the kids very often, I can…

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  • Blea Tarn

    Blea Tarn

    Blea Tarn is a small lake, located in the English Lake District. It is situated high up between the mountains, on a kind of pass.  The location can easily be reached by car, and offers interesting opportunities for early morning shots, especially from the southern shore of the lake, looking north.  Under perfect conditions, the…

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  • The Magic of The Print

    The Magic of The Print

    The displays of our Computers and TVs have gone through an incredible evolution. In recent years, we have been confronted with advanced technology to present our work – tablets with high resolution displays as colourful, sharp and shiny as we could wish for.  I remember – years ago – when I bought my first digital…

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  • What Cameras are About

    What Cameras are About

    I have used several cameras in the past decades. My first one was a Pentax Spotmatic, which I got passed on from my father, followed by a Yashika. I then bought the EOS 100 as first camera by my own money, got into digital with the EOS 30D, followed by the 50D and then the…

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  • Love Your Pictures

    Spend time with them, because they say a lot about who you are and why you made them in the first place. Learn from them, because they not only show what you like, but also show to you what you would like to improve. They are pictures, but also like mirrors to guide you a…

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  • Sony World Photo Award 2016

    Sony World Photo Award 2016

    I have just uploaded my images to participate in the Sony World Photo Award 2016. Easy enough, as participation is free. This is a good start in the photography year 2016 – I am already curious what is to come this year, what we will see and which pictures I will get done. I have…

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  • Gratitude

    There are many reasons to be grateful for the past twelve month. Thinking about 365 amazing days, far beyond anything that the average human being can expect on this planet, I can only be thankful for the life I am allowed to experience. My family and me, we have plenty to eat and drink –…

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